This week my tiny house got the best of me. We are going through the flu this week, and I still have construction materials in the corners and walls that needs finished. Plus we are really limited on storage which means we are constantly stacking things on top of things. My husband finally has a Saturday that he can hopefully finish some projects, and he has now come down with the flu himself. I worked daily to keep up on the cleaning in hopes that I could find my sanity, and today I lost my sanity and my cool. Luckily for me my husband is understanding and my children are loving and forgiving. I am so grateful for the love and support of my family and despite my frustration today, I still love my little house. I just hope that I can somehow, with everyone sick, (and probably me sick next) I can get some more of my house finished this weekend. Hopefully we can make some progress. And hopefully I don't have any kids throwing up tonight, even though at least 3 people have already told me they might.
Oh no! I'm sorry you've got the flu at your house. :(