Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What do you do in the summertime?

Michael and Orapun were catching water as it dripped off the house!
We had an incredible spring, summer and fall and
we are still having a great time.
We feel so very blessed to have been able to do so much.
I have been able to post a few pictures with some of our adventure.

Kyle's Adventures

Kyle went to scout camp for the first time this year!

He also bought a boat. That's when we found out you have to be 18 to purchase a boat so I (Heather) had to actually purchase the boat, but Kyle paid for it.

4th of July

Joseph, Kyle, Isaac, Trey, Katie and Carrie all marched in the
 4th of July Parade this year.
The boys carried flags (even Trey) and Katie and Carrie were in the marching band. However at the time neither Carrie or Katie were actually members of the band they were marching with! Go figure, everyone here pitches in to help with just about everything.

Cave Adventures

Outside Flagstaff we were able to explore an incredible cave that was 3/4 of a mile long.
However it felt like it was a lot longer.

Petrified forest outside Holbrook

Trey in the museum in the Petrified Forest.

We enjoyed taking a walk and exploring the past. Arizona is full of history.

Cliff Dwellings in Flagstaff

It was amazing and fun to see the remains of the cliff dwellings here in Arizona.

Katie swimming the backstroke

Katie and Nicha had a great time on the swim team this summer! Katie especially liked the backstrok and didn't like the butterfly. Nicha loved the butterfly and the breast stroke. I was fun watching my girls swim.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kids say the darn-dest things

Trey: I am allergic to the bunny
Heather: Why do you say that?
Trey: Becaue he peed on me and it took me a long time to change my clothes.