Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Solar Panels and Winter

We are currently in the middle of winter. This presents a few challenges with solar power. Every morning we wake up to a fresh layer of frozen condensation covering our solar panels. I have three ways to fix this. The first is to let the sun warm up the panels and melt the ice. The problem with this is we lose hours of sunlight that could be powering our batteries. The second method is to scrape the panels like we do our car windows. This method is long, cold, and our panels are pretty high, so it also involves balancing on a ladder. Since I don't like to balance on a ladder in the freezing cold I try to avoid this method as often as I can. The third and easiest method is to pour some warm water on the panels to speed up the process which the sun will finish once some of the panels are exposed. The problem with the last method is that we must have enough power from the previous day stored in the batteries to get water from our well which is powered by solar panels.If there is snow on the panels then we first have to sweep off the snow, and then we can work on the layer of ice which is always under the snow. It is definitely a conundrum. However, we love our solar power, so I wake each day with the sun and get to work finding the method that will work best for that day.

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