Saturday, September 22, 2012

I don't "love" all of my trials and I really don't want to go through more (even though I am pretty sure that is part of the earthly package), but I want to acknowledge how very grateful I am for the many things I have learned through my trials and the blessings we have received through out trials. I can testify with Alma that the Lord had made our burndens light that we were able to bear them and at times we didn't even feel them upon our backs.

I do, however, LOVE the temple and I am incredibly thankful that we have one so close to us (about 25 min. away). Having one so close has made it possible for us to make the temple part of our lives. When I gave birth to Bridger I wasn't sure when I would be able to go again, but we are finding a way to keep this wonderful blessing part of our life. I believe that even if I can't make it there as often as I would like to go that others in my family can go and we can continue to be blessed by our temple attendance and continue to receive the blessings and promptings that come with lifes trials as we attend that sacred institution. I also want to mention one more thing here. I love the General Patron Assistance Fund. I am amazed at the faith of members of the church who sacrifice so much (sometimes for years) so that they can receive the sacred ordinances in the temple. And yet I am grateful that there is a way members of the church can attend for the first time quicker. Because of this program even if you give just a little, it can make a huge difference.

I love to see the temple. I'm going there someday. To feel the holy spirit. To listen and to pray.

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