Saturday, June 14, 2014


We finally got our goats. We got two milkers and we are learning the how to milk them. I was told that their milk would taste good. Well honestly, it tastes just like powdered milk to me so I don't know how that will work for some of the more picky milk drinkers in the family. However, a lot of my kids have grown up with powdered milk, and one of my kids actually loves it so for him (who actually loves to drink a lot of milk) this will be a big win. I have decided that since these are my goats, I am just going to learn to love their milk, and I will have to adjust to the difference in taste. I am sure given time it will happen; besides, we have had a lot of bad cows milk from the store over the years, and so I am willing to work with my beautiful new goats. We have a lot to do here on our homestead still, but we are a lot closer to being more self-reliant all the time.

There are a lot of little things that we need to get to properly take care of our goats, and we will slowly get all those things taken care of.

It feels good to be another step closer to our homesteading goals. 

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